If you've got a problem that has units associated with it, do the exercise of carrying the units through because, guess what?
And that's where like, in Phase One, you can only sign up for 10 units worth of classes.
It uses what in the Structural Anthropology essay he calls "mythemes" or "gross constituent units" of thought.
And we want to divide all of that by our wavelength, and to keep our units the same we'll do meters.
We can break the book of Leviticus down into the units that are listed on that side of the board.
And the constant, if we redo it in modern SI units, 1 would take on the value of 1.1 1*10^7m-1 times 10 to the 7th reciprocal meters.
Well, this is just a way of saying not bits, but units of eight bits at a time.
Now, of course, we've got to have units and the units for lengths are going to be meters.
It has units of time, it represents the price of time, and it is something that fluctuates through time in interesting patterns.
But in any case, what we find are a number of units in the Greek world.
A polymer is just a large molecule that's made up of repeated units.
I think they were just a succession of dings but I'm hearing it-- my mind wants to hear this organization So there's another organization here of units of three.
There are 35,000,36,000 communes in France, that is administrative units.
Most everybody understands the basic concept of what a calorie is: you eat food, it delivers something that can affect your weight, and that something is divided into units called calories.
because you can take anywhere from 12 to 20 units,
But in terms of SI units, which become much more useful if you're actually trying to use intensity in a problem and cancel out your units, we're just talking about joules per second is what intensity is.