Did Buddhist uses that as well, I heard that in Hindu terms, like the sound of the origins of the universe.
cause I really, I do agree with, in love with the overall concept of what Miss America or Miss Universe represents.
Evil is a metaphysical reality. It is built into the structure of the universe. That's the way the universe was made.
So, people in the chemistry community and in the physics community had this general feeling that the theoretical structure of the entire universe was pretty well understood.
Whereas we all know that the universe is of a certain kind-- -- we can't even call it Copernican anymore-- poetry has this odd preference for Ptolemaic astronomy.
They really do come to believe in the power of reason, of human beings to figure out the universe.
And, that's a good thing to know because if you come out with an answer that's somewhere near the diameter of the universe and it's supposed to be the diameter of an atom, then you will know that you probably made a mistake.
So I think there's a combination of recognizing and the immensity of what is nature and the universe.
we are the envy of the rest of the universe It's not so much that immortality, what the rest of them have, is unattractive or boring.
You want to spend your time and energy pursuing the most inefficiently priced asset classes because there's an enormous reward for identifying the top quartile venture capitalist and almost no reward for being in the top quartile of the high- quality bond universe.
In fact, there's a property of gravitational fields anywhere, even in outer space, but there is some residual field between all the planets and all the stars in the universe, that the force on a body is proportional to the mass of the body.
It vaults that discussion into a much larger, metaphysical, transcendent context, the whole order of the universe.
Then, after you define what your system is, whatever is left over of the universe is the surroundings.
These are natural facts about the universe, but the naturalness needs to be explained and not merely assumed.
Because at some point in here, Delphi really did become the navel of the universe; everybody came.
Camden Town which is awesome and fantastic and very much a universe of its own.