but I will say university professor is what describes Doctor West best here at Princeton university.
He was a professor of physics at Cambridge University, and he was also the director of the Cavendish Laboratory.
Professor Kohli is a David K.E. professor of international affairs at the Woodrow Wilson School of public and international affairs at Princeton University.
Ed Diener University of Illinois professor Ed Diener does a lot of research on happiness levels.
I am an assistant professor at the Lesley University, in the School of Education.
Shelly Kagan For example,the belief that I'm Shelly Kagan, professor of philosophy at Yale University.
A famous professor at a distant university was said to have begun his lectures on the Republic by saying, " "Now we will consider Plato, the fascist."
Though this might look silly and it is, in fact, Play-doh it is a professor at Stanford University so it's legit.
He ended up at City University of New York, became a full professor at age thirty three, died in his early '50s, did not lead a good life but had extraordinary discoveries.
Thought it would ruin my career You can do that in the evenings It's not what it is to be a professor, or a philosophor, or anything that would be respected by a university.
So, you can understand they really felt quite confident at this time that we could explain everything that was going on and in fact, a really telling quote from the time was said by a professor at the University of Chicago, and what he said is, "Our future discoveries must be looked for in the sixth decimal place."
I went to graduate school of Princeton University in computer science and now i am an assistant professor of Stanford University in the Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics My work is reseaching the technology to change the way people go about making music, listening to music and interacting or relating with each other by music.
It's a pseudo-initiative seminar, which is a special course that Princeton University has our interests in a certain topic and are able to find a professor who is willing to teach and able to teach that topic.
Avogadro was a professor of chemistry at the University of Turin who did a lot of work on gas laws, understanding the number of gas particles in a given volume at a given temperature.
Ernest Rutherford. Ernest Rutherford: he was a professor of physics as well, but he was at Victoria University in Manchester just up the road from Cambridge.
Since the fall of 2009, Joshua Bolten has been teaching at the Woodrow Wilson school of Public and International Affairs of Priceton University where he is a John L. Weinberg Goldman Sachs Company Visiting Professor.