STUDENT: No. Not unless he wants to break the vase into little pieces and stuff it in the corners.
I have never had any myself and I don't plan to unless I need to maybe in the future.
It was a complete waste of time, unless the goal in life was simply to pester the user for some input.
When a slave is freed--and in the Ancient World, in the Roman Empire, most slaves were eventually freed, - unless they just died before long-- they became a freed man.
So, inside of code, or inside of a script, there's no print, unless we make it explicit.
In other words, you are an end and not a means to me unless in fact I'm exploiting you and instrumentalizing you. Right?
You can't take the exam unless you're registered for the class, and we need to make sure we can verify that.
You are not dreaming right now, unless you're asleep but if you're-- and you can't usually be immoral in a dream.
Or vaccines that could be transported more easily— the hepatitis vaccine that we get is not stable unless it's refrigerated.
Ah,says the soul theorist, Follow the soul--unless the soul splits, Shelly Kagan in which case neither of them is Shelly Kagan.
They cannot rest quietly in Hades unless their body has been properly buried; so you got to do it.
And so, even by units analysis, if the units come out right, you've got a good shot that unless you've really, really messed up, that the answer is going to be right.
You can't even offer a sacrifice unless you're already ritually pure, because you couldn't get into the sanctuary to offer your sacrifice if you weren't ritually pure.
That's $1 more than it costs now in the market, so the options are worthless unless the price of the stock goes up.
Aristotle tells us he is slow to act unless something of great importance is at stake.
They don't come door to door anymore unless they're working for the Jehovah's Witnesses.