But let me use the term "event" anyway, employing it with caution and as if in quotation marks.
It is, of course, important if you use animal testing to treat the animals with as much dignity as possible.
I also use it as a connection between family life, family roots and just to make the adventure more real.
Because we've learned about that biology we've been able to make erythropoietin outside the body and use it as a drug.
The olive itself, you use it to cook with as oil; some people just put oil on their salad.
Some people like to use shallow and deep, object and value, but they're talking about the same thing, which is it the same object or is it the same, in this case, set of values, depending on what you want to define as you use it.
It is--at least, it puts itself out there as a candidate to be an alternative term that one might use if one got tired of saying "irony" or "paradox."
it's too easy but it's also too delicious to take this little biographical fact of Milton's college nickname and use it in some way as a tool for reading A Mask.
If the baby really sees it as different, the baby will look longer, and you could use that as a measure of what babies find different.
As an aside, why are you able to use print F without writing out a prototype for it?
who I'm no longer living in the same area as or use it to kind of make plans with some friends.
And you can either, like pay a subscription for a year and then you can use it as much as you want,
Understand it through research as well as through the search-- through introspection, and then make the best use of it.
And I'll just point out here also, this is a conversion factor you'll use quite frequently -- many of you, quite on accident, will memorize it as you use it over and over again.
It's as though we might think of there being two rooms-- to use a kind of analogy here.
The ideal audience for the book," he says "should be the preachers, the gentry, the lawyers, men of affairs, who drawing such water as they find from the book can use it," he says, "to sprinkle the same both from the pulpit and from their conversation upon the people."
According to Levenson, the use of a suzerainty treaty as a model for Israel's relationship to Yahweh, expresses several key ideas. It captures several key ideas.
it's interesting. I don't use much of that as inspiration for my own work,
Except,I mean,you could use it, but not use it as authoritative.