Greek novels usually were about a man and a woman, young,rich,who see each other and fall madly in love and passionately want one another.
We usually use this pattern when the question that you're asking about relates directly to the person you're speaking with.
And so it's usually the case that you can get a higher return if you're willing to take more risk.
But it had rows of seats like that, usually made over a hill or dug into the ground in some way.
Sometimes we might just directly tell you that's probably the easiest scenario, because when we think about work functions those are usually reported in energy.
This is a distinction which is not meant sort of counter-intuitively to suggest that somehow or another, as opposed to what we usually think, writing precedes speech--not at all.
In American history our reform crusades have usually had to do with one of several objects or purposes or problems.
It consists of a promise to pay, usually denominated in currency, and there are both long-term and short-term debt instruments.
Usually, the picture is that they are coming from the north or the northeast and pressing down into it.
Something is usually said about Kafka in connection with Wise Blood, but I have never succeeded in making my way through The Castle or The Trial, and I wouldn't pretend to know anything about Kafka.
The natural desire for fame seated in the breast of every true scholar usually pushes him to make haste by the readiest way of publishing and divulging conceived merits.
Usually, you're going to have a melody and you're going to have a bass, so the bass is doing stuff-- underneath there.
And it's usually something that's very simple that's embodied in the personality of an entrepreneur.
What happens when that recognition takes place is that your immune system gets activated, and the activation that happens usually involves two things.
Normally this is used for a reaction in the condensed phases and liquid usually.
So when your friend ask you to go out that night even though it's something that you usually like to do,