And our job is to find out what is the mathematical description of this path, this line in p-V's case that connects these two point.
A It tells me that the partial of A with respect to T at constant V is minus S. Right?
Now we're going to hear Beach Boys, IV I guess,with a three-chord chord progression and it's going to be sub-dominant , V dominant , I tonic .
S Formal charge equals v minus l minus 1/2 s.
Whenever you see a particle moving in a circle, even if it's at a constant speed, it has an acceleration, v square over r directed towards the center.
只要看到质点做圆周运动,即使是匀速圆周运动,也存在一个加速度,大小为 v^2 / r,方向指向圆心
Aristotle certainly recognized that the accumulation of political knowledge you might say the gathering of data the organization of facts is very important. Books III IV V of the Politics shows the empirical side of Aristotle's politics.
So that's I,IV,V,I.
v We don't know what it is yet. In order to change this from a p to a V, you have to use the chain rule. So let's use the chain rule.
So we immediately get du at constant S and V is less than zero.
b If we put it as minus b, that's just equal to a over V squared.
Now, before, of course, in the first part of the class u we started out looking at u H and then looking at H not as functions of S and V or S and p, but as functions of temperature, mostly.
Minus p, right? But in fact, if you go back to the van der Waal's equation of state b here's RT over v minus b.
Which we've expressed now in terms of S and V, S and p.
Vdp So dG is minus S dT plus V dp.
It's the pressure the external world is applying on this poor system here.
V Let's control T and V.
T It's just equal to V over T.
If it's going in a circle, you will say from now on, that it, indeed, has an acceleration, even though no one's stepping on the accelerator, of amount v^2 over R.
如果它在一个圆周上运动,你会说从现在起它其实有加速度,即使没有人去踩油门,加速度大小为 v^2 / R
So the first path then, the first path, 1 constant volume constant V, so I'm going to, again, let's just worry about energy.