Simply because of doubt about the generic integrity of various forms of discourse.
I'm sure they sold it in various forms, but one of the most popular was for this purpose.
He used various forms of high-energy radiation in order to make the droplets bear a charge.
We know already and we know last week from our demonstration of the floppy disks and such that there're various forms of memory inside of a computer.
That's good. So this game's called The Battle of the Sexes and we'll see it in various forms over the course of the semester.
What they do is when people enter the group they humiliate them, they cause them pain, they cause them various forms of torture and unpleasantness.
We're hoping today to touch on both areas of that, both the personal spirituality and religious experience and also some questions of religion in America: how religion takes its various forms and different communities, depending on their social location.
Students and most of their professors are on the barricades, that is to say in protest not only against the war in Vietnam but the outpouring of various forms of authoritative resistance to protest that characterized the sixties.
Ordinary material objects of this world can partake of the various Platonic forms, but they should not be confused with the Platonic forms.
But I will use various forms.
We know machines have limited capacities to engage in mathematical and logical reasoning, to recognize things, to do various forms of computations, and this makes it at least possible that we are such machines.