I mean, you only got one vehicle for life so if you put your body away, you know,
We know that two vehicles are going to come along and not help Tony and that the third vehicle will, because everything, as I say, happens in threes in folklore.
Why does it matter that Israel understands its relationship with God, and uses the covenant as a vehicle for expressing its relationship with God, the vehicle of the suzerainty treaty?
This is the pulsating vehicle for his precious theology of free will and for his politics of liberty.
They're supposed to be like a pass through vehicle -they're owning real estate on your behalf, so they shouldn't be retaining earnings.
But, put it on a vehicle and keep that vehicle crash-worthy.
We want to make sure that if the students would not to be given the time out to learn, we need to provide a vehicle or that they can take the advantage of learning in their world context to actually put the theory into practice.
And if you're working with your friend, you can tell him or her whatever you're thinking and it's not going to offend him or her and they'll probably comprehend it similarly to how you imagined it in languages that really are a perfect idea of transmission vehicle.
However, your friend whose house you're at happens to own a vehicle.
In other words, the sacrificial cult was primarily a vehicle for worshipers' expression of a wide range of emotions: joy over the birth of a child, thankfulness for a good harvest and so on.
If the vehicle in the unfortunate circumstances of a collision, has to be able to maintain the security of the hydrogen which means more mass, which means a lot of the efficiency is being squandered What's the environmental impact of hydrogen production?
I want to have an all-electric vehicle in my lifetime.
Love and loyalty are mere abstractions, however, without some sort of vehicle for their expression; and the vehicle for their expression then is God's Torah, the sum total of God's teachings and instructions and laws and guidelines, which are supposed to ensure long life and prosperity in the land.
It was doing it through an SIV on it's -called the Rhineland Investment Vehicle.
A mutual fund is an investment vehicle that allows investors to hold a portfolio.
Whenever possible, an ownership vehicle for commercial real estate will have the form of a DPP.