On the other hand, if we had a quarter as much venture capital, I think that would be in the sense the world would contract too much.
Let's say there was four times as much Venture Capital, would we have four times as much innovation? I don't think so.
Of course, in the venture capital world, the least efficiently priced of all, there's a 43.2% differential between the top quartile and the bottom quartile.
They say with the contraction in Venture Capital doesn't mean we're not going to get good solutions to the business problems we face.
As a matter of fact,there might not even be a benchmark against which you can measure results and you'd think about the venture capital world.
We have private equity, we have venture capital, and we have employees getting incentive options.
Or should I spend my time and energy trying to find the top quartile bond, top quartile real estate manager,or buyout manager, or venture capital manager?
I think reselling is an element of things like venture capital.
How do you hug the market in the venture capital world?
Our foreign exposure is not limited to the marketable security exposure, which I cited as being 15% of the fund, but there's foreign exposure in real estate, there's foreign exposure in leverage buyouts, there's foreign exposure in venture capital.
So 90% of your portfolio is in domestic marketable securities and only 10% is invested in things like real estate or venture capital or private equity -hardly enough to make a difference in terms of the portfolios returns.
I mean,this romantic notion of what goes on in Silicon Valley actually still holds true in a lot of cases but there's absolutely no way, as a venture capital investor, you could index the venture capital market.