It's also that knowledge that an educated, sort of belletristic reader of The Saturday Review of Literature would be very, very familiar with.
In valence bond theory, the focus is on discussing the bonds, but it should look very familiar to you, because there's two types of bonds that we want to discuss here.
You just need a few macroscopic variables that are very familiar to you, like the pressure, the temperature, the volume, the number of moles of each component, the mass of the system.
This diagram at the top here is a very familiar one to most of you, it's sometimes called the central dogma of molecular biology.
And last year to did we hand students Google maps, Google news, asked them to mash those two very familiar real world products together so that they had a map of the United States, little markers sprinkled throughout, that indicated exactly where there were current events going on.
And by liberty Hobbes means something that sounds very familiar to us.
All right. In addition to the use of the relationship between plot and story, we also find Brooks using terms that are now, having read Jakobson and de Man, very familiar to us: the terms "metaphor" and "metonymy."
Interpret those neural signals with mathematic algorithms as one on custom-designed chips those of you who are very familiar with this technology, that fuels and all other things running here today.
It's a very familiar picture.
People are already shaking their heads over me and any immediate God further professional use on my part of the word "God" except as a familiar, healthy American expletive will be taken or rather confirmed as the very worst kind of name dropping and a sure sign that I'm going straight to the dogs.
So, that is just a quick example for some of you, you might be very familiar with ion channels, others might not know what these are, so I'll just tell you quite briefly that ion channels are these very massive transmembrane proteins.
So if we have a look at what the answer would be, this looks very familiar.
Words like adiabatic, which we'll be very familiar with.
For those perhaps familiar with some of the jargon do we introduce what we call link lists and hash tables and tries, increasingly sophisticated data structures, that allow us to solve problems that are much bigger and much more interesting than the very familiar one that we started with here.
That's what I want to do for the first few minutes of the lecture here is tell you a little bit about the details of the structure and how molecules fit into this image of DNA that's already very familiar to you.
And yet, in many ways, Socrates diagnoses very powerfully an important condition of modern democratic life with which we are all familiar.
What we're trying to get at here is--it can be very elusive, but I imagine most of you are familiar with it.
It's very easy to get caught up in one's own studies here; and even I freshman year, dove into a world very much familiar to me-- a world that I did like but I just didn't realize that there were in fact worlds that I loved well beyond my domain of familiarity.
Now this is a good place to start, because we are very familiar with ionization energy, we've been talking about it it's that minimum energy required to remove an electron from an atom.
Polemarchus But Socrates challenges Polemarchus to a group, any group, cannot be a virtue in itself, and he trips Polemarchus up with a very, in many ways, familiar Socratic argument "? "Do we ever make mistakes?"
So this is a simple condition that's very familiar.
What I'm going to talk about today is to continue our discussion about what is Biomedical Engineering and go a little bit further and we'll spend about half the class doing that, and then I want to spend the last half of the class talking about some biological structures that are very important and that you might not be familiar with.