And you know we have a very dominant traffic share over there, so it's really a very good spot to be in.
And, um, I knew that Brown was an Ivy League school, so that meant it was a very good school.
And after the creation of living things, The text states that God found all that he made to be very good.
And it will, at least, be worth pausing periodically to ask ourselves, maybe Plato realized it wasn't a very good argument.
If you are experienced, if you have, say, better ways of managing engineering team, this is a very good space you can be in.
And we'll look at some of these studies, hopefully still today, with very good intentions actually hurt more they helped.
We're going to be very, very good about releasing strong and clear APIs on how to build things.
Now, of course, O'Connor was very good at imbuing her writing with repeated symbols that grow and accrue meaning across the text.
Oedipus is a brilliant man; he achieves the kingship of his city because of his extraordinary intelligence,and he's a very good man.
OK, but in order to relate turning these physical knob to this quantity here, which we don't have a very good feel for, we've got to have a feel for the slopes.
One that was developed a number of years ago but has been perfected and refined in recent years with very, very good research.
And the Germans try to set up programme where they will train very good German police officers.
Well, it's just to keep the numbers-- there's actually not a very good reason to do splits.
And he gave a very good analogy in saying, "It was almost as incredible as if you'd fired a 15 inch shell at a piece of tissue paper, and it came back and hit you."
She's either made to look very good or she's made to look kind of ugly with this frizzy wig and they talk to her.
Which means that these elements are very good electron donors.