This is what moral philosophers within our culture view as morality, notions of rights, of equality, of freedom.
This is a world understood from a metonymic point of view as that which lacks organicity, and yet at the same time the whole point of the story is thematically metaphoric.
I, kind of, would highlight what I view as three sorts of principles.
One offer of one more idea which is to take a figure who we all know about, but who we view as, maybe a civil rights hero or an African-American hero, or a Christian hero, or an American hero and turn into a global interfaith hero.
So, moral feelings we could view as feelings of condemnation, shame, emotions like that-- shame, condemnation, pride, righteous anger, but also simple affection, caring for other people, wanting to do well by them, being upset if an injustice is to be done by them.
So the exodus is a paradigm for salvation, but it would be a mistake, I think, to view the Exodus as the climax of the preceding narrative.
I knew what his priorities were well enough that I view myself as basically the implementor of the president's own influence.
It is easier," he says, "not to view justice microscopically in an individual, " as it were through a magnifying glass."
And if you're not prepared to believe it, it looks as though you've got to give up on the personality view.
You, as the instruction designer, have to think of from the point of view of fulfilling both the explicate and the implicit purposes of the educational experience you are creating.
The vacillation and debate become quickest here as one point of view gets one line and the other the rhyming next line.
The possibilities of freedom must always, in their view, be balanced with the world as it as--not as it ought to be.
According to this view, man is not merely the measure of all things as the Greek Sophist Protagoras had radically proclaimed in the fifth century.
As I walk around this computer and see them from a different point of view.
The second thing it's going to do, from a more theoretical point of view, is it's going to suggest to us that actually things aren't quite as bad we thought.
And empathy has different definitions but we can simply view it as the feeling that your pain matters to me.