By the end of, like two weeks from now or so, we're going to pass Google in page views.
And I wonder if you can articulate how you understand the people who object to your positions, and how you articulate their views in some of your responses?
You kind of wonder, how can it be that people had such different views depending on which city they lived in?
That is to say, there's a certain set of views I hold about the issues that we'll be discussing.
When our political opponent is being ironic about our views we understand the irony perfectly well. We're used to it, we have accommodated ourselves to it, and of course it's the same in reverse.
And so, there's been a profound change in public presentations, public views, on race but what about implicit views? This gets more complicated.
As with almost all of the issues of contemporary and political struggle in the seventeenth century, Milton's own views really pull decidedly to the left, to the progressive end of the political spectrum.
Yet, we should also avoid the second, equally powerful temptation, which is to reject Aristotle out of hand, because his views do not correspond with our own.
Do you have any views on the fiscal side of things the government is talking now 850 billion dollar package, the mix of fiscal stimulus, tax cuts, and the like?
I wonder what is your views about, what does philosophy have to say with life after death?
Well, there are different views on that.
Whether or not you find the no branching rule hard to believe, if both views are stuck with it,well,then we're stuck with it.
We should also notice that... I should also mention that there're other metaphysical views about what goes on when an object exists over time.
And what I'm going to try to do in this class is argue for those views.
And then there's the late dialogues, where even though Socrates appears, most scholars believe those are probably not the views that the historical Socrates actually believed.
You have middle dialogues where you have to worry about whose views are whose.