He's a literary power, a figure who could be called upon to supply the voice of tradition in itself.
so try to read the lyrics and listening the voice and the sounds and try to play with them.
That woman's days were spent In ignorant good will, Her nights in argument Until her voice grew shrill.
The typewriter is holy! the poem is holy the voice is holy the hearers are holy the ecstasy is holy!
There is something insidious and culturally malicious and powerful about the social conservatism of what is thought to be his voice.
But it's also interesting that he says he trusted that traditional living voice more than he trusted written documents.
There is this wonderful overarching voice that unifies everything after all. This is what I call," says de Man, "the rhetoricization of grammar, right--but wait!
The actual fluctuation of your voice isn't something that's taught, but what they teach you is how to pronounce the letters properly, and rules that go along with the letters.
The land is described as a land where milk and honey flow, and if only you will obey the voice of Yahweh your God. This is the kind of language that's used here, and not so much in the other books.
So with apologies to Strunk and White, this is in the passive form, that's dominated, passive voice.
PROFESSOR: As you can probably tell from Moungi the volume of my voice, I'm not Moungi.
They had the head and voice and bristles and body of swine but their minds remained unchanged as before, so they were penned there weeping.
While other species," he notes, "may have voice, may have sounds and be able to distinguish pleasure and pain, Logos speech"--logos is his word for it.
They love to kind of luxuriate in the opportunity to show off their voice on a leading tone, build up expectation, make you wait even more for that tonic.
And he was a total dead ringer for the voice, of course, because it was him!
But it was voice-activated, so like, if you yell, it would like start blowing bubbles.