They just wait, they wait for their time, they wait until you are in danger from a particular antigen.
How long did you wait for me?
You wait for the pig to do something that's halfway close to dancing, like stumbling, and you reward it.
What' s better is to plash yourself in the middle of something you genuienly love, and wait for the wave to come and find you.
So, it's awkward to have to wait for a cow to get infected before you can vaccinate a population.
Somebody? can we get the guy with the beard here? Wait for the mike, great.
I can't wait for you.
I can't wait for next year's class to do it.
If you instead use GetString, same thing: blinking cursor, the function is just going to wait for the user to type a word, a sentence or whatever, and then hit Enter.
So, that, for me, was kind of the first connection that what went, "Woah, wait a second, I want to be thinking about these molecules all the way down to the level of individual atoms."
If I look for, say, minus 1, you might go, gee, wait a minute, if I was just doing linear search, I would've known right away that minus one wasn't in this list, because it's sorted and it's smaller than the first elements.
They love to kind of luxuriate in the opportunity to show off their voice on a leading tone, build up expectation, make you wait even more for that tonic.
Cos many people sit here during the lectures on self-esteem, for example, or when we talk explicitly about happiness, ?" they say, "Wait. Do I have self-esteem?"-- Thinking to themselves.
You don't wait two minutes for Windows to put up.
In Canada you wait ten weeks for MRI s wrong with you, now a lot of things can happen in ten weeks and many of them are very bad.
I didn't want to wait outside, because it's too cold for me.