What do you mean, "raw"? "Well, somebody's sitting in a field eating a carrot. That's raw," you say, but wait a minute: what is this notion of "raw"?
They just wait, they wait for their time, they wait until you are in danger from a particular antigen.
Well actually we're going to wait until next week to send that one out, and I'll explain why in a minute.
We bring you in the--to the lab and we say to this group of people, "Please wait here.
If you knew your way around in the funhouse like your own bedroom, you could wait until a girl came along and then slip away without ever getting caught, even if her boyfriend was right with her.
And, in order to determine that, we had to wait a few years until 1909.
In this case, I'm going to get back the answer 3 F-O-O because the user typed in F-O-O, but wait a minute, what's with this?
What' s better is to plash yourself in the middle of something you genuienly love, and wait for the wave to come and find you.
Generally, there are a couple of elements that one might set down as in a Petri dish, and wait to see if some chemical reaction might take place, but not at all sure of what it might be.
They love to kind of luxuriate in the opportunity to show off their voice on a leading tone, build up expectation, make you wait even more for that tonic.
In United states, only five percent wait that long.
You won't have to solve it in this class, you can wait till you get to 18.03 to start solving these types of differential equations, and hopefully, you'll all want the pleasure of actually solving the Schrodinger equation at some point. So, just keep taking chemistry, 18 03 you'll already have had 18.03 by that point and you'll have the opportunity to do that.
You're now in the experimental group and I say, "Please wait here.
D-A-V-I-D Well, if I've got a five-letter word like D-A-V-I-D, well, that's like five bytes and yet we only have the ability thus far in this class to return one thing at a time I can't return five bytes to you, but wait a minute, those bytes by nature of a computer are just stored in RAM.
A weird thing which is discussed in the textbook is if you wait a while and then you try it again with the bell after a couple of hours, the saliva comes back.
Now, the reason we're going to wait until next week is the first concept sheet is unusual in that it's not just you writing about whatever you want, but it's writing about your dietary analysis.
Often a good thing to start with is to put the lowest ionization energy atom in the middle, and if you don't have charge separation then go with that structure, but if you do find you have a lot of separation, such as the case in negative 2, positive 2, and minus 1, then you want to say wait a second, this is really bad in terms of formal charge, let me go ahead and see what other options I have here.
Some of you might be saying in your heads, wait a second, I happen to know, I happen to remember from high school, p have different energies then, for example, s orbitals.