So I should warn the people sitting at the back that my handwriting is pretty bad, that's one reason for moving forward.
And as an added incentive for you to pay attention, I'm going to warn you that this particular simulation will appear in the final or a variant of it.
But the other approach, and the one that I should warn you I'm going to take this semester, in this class, is rather different.
But I want to warn everybody ahead of time, I will not be following the textbook.
They warn us of dangerous trends. They point out potent evils.
I have to warn you this third and final movie is an example of why this research is not currently done, but it illustrates an important scientific point.
I should warn you again that I'm very likely to make mistakes when I'm doing this kind of thing, so please catch me I do.
I should also warn you that this code includes some Python concepts, at least one, that you have not yet seen.
Let me just warn you couple more times.
Now I say this not so much to depress the hell out of you, but partly to warn you, and to make it clear that I believe that it's a skill.
I wanted to warn you about that.
Now many of you may have heard, many of you may know, and if you don't already know this, I should warn you, that I have a reputation around Yale as being a harsh grader.