Well, if this thing is going to vibrate for any length of time it better be a standing wave.
Our friend Schr?dinger told us that if you solve for the wave function, this is what the probability densities look like.
So certainly we would expect to see that it has an effect in terms of seeing its wave-like properties.
So I'm going to wave my hands at what one fflush of these things here does, fflush here, but I decided this is kind of a weak implementation.
So, there's a political mobilization in the late 1860s, and in the beginning of 1870 there's a wave of strikes.
Somebody? Wave your hands in the air, Way back in the corner. Can I, can we, let's get the mike.
It seems to depict a storm at sea, almost as if the Egyptians are in boats, and a big wind makes a giant wave, and another wind then makes it crash down on them.
He came up with the relationship that nu bar, which is called wave number --He found the reciprocal.
We need to come up with an experiment in which the electron is going to be forced to behave as a wave.
We started talking about these on Wednesday, and what we're going to start with is considering specifically the wave functions for multi-electron atoms.
What he did was took de Broglie motion of the electron as a wave and developed a wave equation for such matter waves.
So this validates de Broglie and it also validates the whole concept of wave-particle duality.
So we saw that our lowest, 1 0 0 our ground state wave function is 1, 0, 0.
And if it is going to be a standing wave then this must be an integral number of wavelengths.
The second thing is, just as in the case of the violin string, the wave equation, as posed by Schrodinger, has a plurality of solutions.
So when you operate on the wave function, what you end up with is getting the binding energy of the electron, and the wave function back out.