And in fact, under type checking, different languages sometimes fall on a spectrum from weak to strong typing.
and to know your weak spots and know like... just practice stuff that you're not very good at.
He has that phrase, / "Anything more than the truth would have seemed too weak / to the earnest love that laid the swale in rows.
So I'm going to wave my hands at what one fflush of these things here does, fflush here, but I decided this is kind of a weak implementation.
So what we see is a bond order of 0, and again, the bond is very, very weak.
The West of the Germanic tribes that had toppled the Roman empire was weak and it was divided.
One of the things that was interesting, when we were talking about the Sooka, was this idea that the Sooka should be weak enough and it would be destroyed if a big storm comes through.
There would be two weak beats or two unstressed beats between each strong beat.
It's not the case that for Hannibal, choosing the easy pass to attack through, strictly dominates choosing the hard pass, but it is the case that there's a weak notion of domination here.
And,this republic is strongly identified with Paris, and if,because of the fear of Caesarism, the fear of another Napoleon, or another Robespierre before that, or another Napoleon III, they create executive authority that's extremely weak.
All right, so that's a weak argument, but in fact, it's a way of suggesting, probably not.
Deuteronomy also emphasizes social justice and personal ethics and neighborly responsibility. God's own righteous behavior on behalf of the weak and the oppressed is a model for Israel's righteous behavior.
It's a weak system in terms of color.
We have a very weak currency.
I mean, if the energy is lower to occupy a smaller volume, then if I have this room and a bunch of molecules of oxygen, and nitrogen and what have you in the air, and there are weak attractions between them, why don't they all just sort of glum together and find whatever volume they like.
only respected by the weak who are fearful of the consequences of injustice.