And they were weakened as a result, and so the Spaniards, even in fewer numbers, were able to conquer.
The son probably died of TB, but it related to all this other business in his weakened state.
So this could be summarized as the law of effect, which is a tendency to perform an action's increased if rewarded, weakened if it's not.
The idea of the immigration model is that Hebrew settlement would have probably occurred at about the same time in the latter part of the thirteenth century The Hebrews could take advantage of all of these upheavals and the weakened hold of Egypt.
Fungi which don't often cause infections in people with healthy immune systems but can under some circumstances, and can be tremendous problems in patients that have weakened immune systems.
In any war, particularly in this kind of war, reconciliation is something that typically happens very few wars end with total victory or total defeat, usuallly war ends with the parties get tired of or weakened enough.