This invention of social security is well over one hundred years old, but I think that, because of the rapid advance of information technology, we're going to see a lot more progress.
Well, LA is a giant, spread out tiny, tiny, little neighborhoods all over and
There are well over a thousand poleis.
Are they beginning to have basic assumptions changed over the last 50 years? I guess, well, 60 years now?
Every once in a while we'll bring up an issue of well, how has this been interpreted over the centuries?
And so what you're going to end up with is, well, let's go over that. Here is sodium and chloride.
And I end up going back and doing unit testing anyway, to try and figure out why it doesn't work. So over the years, I've just convinced myself I might as well start where I'm going to end up.
I'm oversimplifying a little bit but between wars the rate tends to come down because people think, well the war is over.
Well, now as you will hear on several occasions over the course of the semester, I'm a philosopher.
It also provides Milton with the figure of Mammon who will, as you will see over the course of this semester become - well, here in Paradise Lost he's one of the key fallen angels in Milton's hell.
And as Walt Whitman wrote in poem after poem, and other poets did as well, and politicians said over and over and over and over America, and this United States, this nation formed there would be the beginning of a new man, a new start for humankind.
In general, if you're watching an action movie and there's a car chase and the trucks and cars are crashing all over the place, and let's say a Budweiser truck shows up in the scene somehow, well people are very likely paying for that.
So change is difficult, but then we went over and said, "Well, Marva Collins creates change.
Well let's see, there's a V1 over V2 to the gamma minus 1.
Well, we're not 21, so it's not, we can't rent a car over here,
Well, this allows us to try to go back and explain some phenomena that over the years, mounting evidence was building that couldn't be explained.