In the last two centuries, both these most characteristic elements of Western civilization have in fact become increasingly under heavy attack.
There are all kinds of things that it might be very useful ; for you to know as an inhabitant of Western civilization; and the New Testament,you might find out, would rank kind of down on the list of those kinds of things.
He was a Victorian historian preoccupied with the dissolution of Western civilization.
Because of Western civilization's emergence as the exemplary civilization, it also presents problems to the whole world.
And the dialogue ends with one of the great moving death scenes in western civilization and as Plato says-- let's get the quote here exactly right-- "Of all those we have known, he was the best and also the wisest and the most upright."
And musical notation is relied on more in Western music than any other musical civilization around the world.
Right? Most of them aren't,or about half of them, I think,are not in the Bible,and yet they're very important for the history of Western Civilization.
That's Western civilization, friends, and the Greeks are at the root of the whole thing.
Much more from Plato. So again it raises the issue, if you want to know most about the most influential aspects for Western civilization, would it be better for you to take an entire semester on Plato than it would on the New Testament?
It floats around in Western civilization all the time.
And so, in addition to philosophical arguments for and against the existence and immortality of the soul, we end the dialogue with a quite moving death scene, one of the great death scenes, if we could call it that, of western civilization.
Now, let me carry on with this by talking about the views of society which are characteristic of the two traditions in Western civilization.
So, it seems to me,that Western civilization,ever since, has been a composite of these two traditions.
Now, I've been saying kind things about Western civilization, but I would not want to deny that there is a dark side to the western experience and its way of life.
So, I want to turn now to the way in which this way of thinking had an impact on the future, and of course I'm speaking about the future of Western civilization which was the heir to this tradition.
Non-Western peoples who wish to share in the things that characterize modernity will need to study the ideas and history of Western civilization to achieve what they want, and westerners, I would argue, who wish to preserve these things must do the same.
It'd be actually much more valuable for you to know how to ; right?--if you're getting along in Western civilization; or how to use computers,or sexual technique, or how to speak other languages.