I thought I'd give you a little glimpse at what you can do for your final project toward terms end.
So if you demonstrate something by writing an intelligent answer just by outlining it and saying, well, what I would do is I would equate the energy lambda and then solve for lambda, I can see that you know what is going on.
This is reading from the packet assigned for today, and I'm going to ask you to do what you can to get through the biography of Milton in the packet, as well as the notes on Milton's poetry that we have from Dr. Samuel Johnson.
You can ask yourself, "If you gave me a particular vector, what do I use for Ax and Ay?"
你可以问问自己,"如果给定一个矢量,该怎么确定 Ax 和 Ay"
So, I think this is what Pynchon brings to the string of meditations on what language can do, and what the novel is for, that I began my lecture today with, just recapping for you.
If you don't give me seven hours a week, I don't know what I can do for you.