What gave rise in the Western world to what is called "hermeneutics" was in fact the Protestant Reformation.
if the employer can show what is called a "Bona Fide Occupational Qualification", a BFOQ.
Anyway, if you go to your Periodic Table you will find that on the one side you can get what is called the enthalpy of atomization.
Semiotics evolves into what is called "structuralism," which we'll be considering next week.
It happens through a very regulated, coordinated slow process of what is called differentiation.
The rhetorical strategy that Milton uses to give us this perspective of eternity is what Geoffrey Hartman called Milton's counter-plot.
So I'm going to solve this by enumerate and check, which is an example of what's called a brute-force algorithm.
The third area is what I might think of is an evaluation or assessment as it sometimes is called.
And we can also write this in an even simpler form, which is what's called electron configuration, and this is just a shorthand notation for these electron wave functions.
What is that called when you change the fundamental pitch in a piece, going to a different pitch level?
So, the bowlers do their bowling and sometimes they knock down all the pins, which is called a what? A strike.
And so instead of defining efficiency the way you've got it written there, I'm going to define what's called something different for a refrigerator which is called the coefficient of performance.
So here I've hardcoded the word true which is actually deliberately inducing what we called what last week.
But, practically, and in some legal contexts, what they would do is they'd allow the slave the use of that money, and that's called the peculium.
The polis, as Aristotle as well as Plato clearly understand, is a small society, what could be called today a closed society.
What FASB does for the United States is it creates what are called Generally Accepted Accounting Practices.