He said to gain time: "What is it you see?"
All right. So let me start again by reminding you what it is that was done last time.
You want to write the specs so that everybody does in fact know what this piece of code is doing, and you're writing it each time around.
I'll even tell you what it is ahead of time.
What that means is, if you know the velocity of the given time and you know the initial velocity, you know what time it is.
I just doubled the indentation each time so you can see it. So each successive call, notice what's happening. The argument is getting reduced. And we're going another level in. When we get down to this point, we're calling it with just a string of length one.
A clock tells you what time it is, but you can also say what time it is by seeing how fast the particle is moving because you know it started with some speed.