So one way that neurons, in particular, are able to communicate with other cells in the nervous system, share information, integrate information, decide what to do next is that they are physically connected to other different cells.
Let's say you're having a conversation about what to do next during the day.
Because this post-synaptic neuron is going to be receiving different signals from different cells, it's decision about what to do next, and the what to do next is either create an actual potential or not create an action potential.
So, in my next lecture, what I'm going to do is pretty much contradict most of what I said today.
And this'll lead into what you're going to see next time as well as what you're going to do tomorrow.
Now we're not done and of course we're out of time, so what are we going to do when we come back next week?
Here's what we're going to do for the next lecture and a half, two lectures.
So let me just tell what we are going to do next.
What I am going to do next day is go into the larger stoichiometry and understand the principles of mass balance and reactivity But before you go,hold it,I don't want you racing off.
And what we are going to do over the next couple of month is expand on these-- most importantly, see how we can take the research, the rigor and apply it to our lives.
cause we only have couple of minutes, Ok, it's alright So, for next time, you are going to read about Death in Venice...the introduction that's the movie we're going to watch next week ? But, what do you read for next time?
trying to figure out what to do for the next couple of hours.
They have beliefs about what I'm likely to do next.
What do you put next to what?
And so what I'm going to do is just now run through the next two or three scenes and talk about why they're set next to each other.
Well I ought to be able to do that by simply generalizing the loop. And that's what the next piece of code on your a hand out shows you.
I was going to start showing you some examples, but I think, rather than doing that, I'm going to stop here, I'm going to give you two minutes back of time, but I want to just point out to you that we are going to have fun next week, because I'm going to show you what in the world that has to do with efficiency.
And you get the idea. What am I going to do next? I'm going to compare three against four.
But, of course, these models abstract from very important parts of reality, and the next step to do is what?
What I'm going to do for about the next 15-20 minutes is just tell you what the class operation is like so everybody knows.
So, what I'd like people to do If you're sitting next to somebody, please turn around and find someone next to you and look at them.
So I would encourage you all, regardless of what you think you may do next year, or you may go beyond that to like, really consider this.
So, what we're going to do is we're going to go through the derivation of that next day.
And so what I'm going to do the next day is return to this discussion, and take a look at a more rational view of the chemical world. So, we'll see you on Friday.
So to just preface what we're going to do next time, what would happen if I wanted to do sort, and rather than in sorting the entire list at once, I broke it into pieces, and sorted the pieces, and then just figured out a very efficient way to bring those two pieces and merge them back together again?