So if we think about what we would do to actually write out this configuration, we just write the energy levels that we see here or the orbital approximations.
So I was reading Media, and I have to write an essay about it. So that's what I was doing.
So, if we want to think about what the first ionization energy is of boron, what you want to do is write out the electron configuration, because then you can think about where it is that the electron's coming out of.
Which is a way of reminding you that I need to think as I write the code about what are my expectations from the input, and how might I enforce them.
Even so experimental a book as John Barth's Lost in the Funhouse is totally absorbed in the problem of what it would mean to write about yourself.
These are called concept sheets and they're one to two pages of things that you write about what's going on in the class.
That also encouraged me to really write more and to really think about what is the story, how are people coming to this and like when I show my friends this, how are they going to react.
And he didn't live long enough quite to well he actually lived long enough but he didn't really write about what I would add as a fourth one but he said the Civil Rights revolution finally began to liberate the South.
Whatever you think those are. Here, you might imagine different people disagreeing about-- oh, but throw in something--but if what you want to do is write the great American novel, then you've got the experience of staying up late at night not knowing how to make the plot work out, crushing pieces of paper and throwing them away.
Let me read to you what Plato says about how he came to write this book.
But what I really have to teach is not going to be based on what you might read in textbook or a great work of technical film studies, you gonna write paper about that, but what to do to get most of the meanings you have to read these books.
To write about your life and to pretend that you're communicating the memory of what happened to you--your grief, your private grief-- doesn't contain that universalizing move that fiction, by its very essence, contains.
It's also very interesting to think about how the food label could change because this legislation comes up here and there and government consideration, and so if you guys have thoughts that you'd like to write about on one of your concept sheets about what could done to the food label to make it more effective, and more accessible to people, then feel free to write about that. Yes?
Then what I'd like you to do for your first concept sheet is to write about that.
It don't know. What is true about O'Connor is that she was trained to write stories like this. Flannery O'Connor--and this is, again, that context coming in--Flannery O'Connor was a student at the Iowa Writers Workshop, a very prestigious writing program.
Then at the end of the day what you'll get is something that looks like this which will be a whole day's worth of food intake and then this is what I'd like you to print out and then write about in your concept sheets.