But all of you in this room probably remember what we technically call the base 10 system or decimal system because back in grade school or the like, you learned to count and add and subtract numbers by way of columns.
Depending on what you call external and internal environment, this path that I'm tracing here, deep within your digestive system, is really directly connected to the outside world through both ends.
The second bit of humility we'll end the class on is I am presenting here, and I'll be presenting throughout this semester, what you can call a mechanistic conception of mental life.
What I'd like to do today is talk to you about how it is that we moved from this old model to what it is that today many institutions call the Yale model.
These mortgages were given out to people that couldn't afford them and today you have what you call subprime mortgages--subprime paper They issued against this paper stuff called mortgage-backed security. They securitized them and these things are all floating around now.
We own our own phone number, that allows you to input key strokes like you would any system and this is an example of what we call CS50 Voice.