Obviously we don't expect you to know exactly what the distances are, but you should be able to compare them relatively.
And so this is not like a math problem set or a physics problem set. Or, like a high school physics lab, where we all know what the answer should be, and you could fake your lab results anyway.
You just need to remember what's happening to z effective, which really tells us what's happening with all the trends, and once you know z effective, you can figure out, for example, what direction the atomic radius should be going into.
He should have said that you know what, harmony is not really invisible or can't be destroyed.
So you should know when you look at a graph like this what it's doing.
We have to know what to pay attention to People who are not good in focusing their attention on the right things -I'm not just talking about attention deficit disorder, I'm talking about some more high-level question of how you know what you should be paying attention to.
You shoot something, you should know when it will land, where it will land, with what speed it will land, how high it will go.
What do you know the bond angle should be?
You should know what multiplying a vector by a number means.