But when you remember that the subject at hand is actually in some way sex, then you can begin to associate the Lady's image of this moderate consumption of natural wealth - with some version of -- if this makes sense -- some version of an act of sexual consummation.
Remember, this is pattern that we use when the question relates specifically to the person you are speaking with.
So, remember when you're looking at your periodic table, don't forget about the lanthanides, sometimes they come into play.
Remember, when I asked you about the specificity of America in On the Road, and I asked you to think about whether there was anything there at all?
But when you think about what works and what doesn't remember we had revenues going very strongly.
Remember the argument from recycling says when you build something, you build it out of parts.
Remember when I showed you that picture of cells attached to plastic a few minutes ago; I said those were fibroblasts that were growing on a culture dish.
Again, I'm not expecting you to remember all the details of this but I'm going to show you this-- when you put all these things together, it's called the metabolic syndrome, and I'll show you some data on its impact on health.
However, the thing to remember is, when you look at heats of reaction under those conditions it's all well and good.
You remember, when he talks about the state of nature, he is not talking about an imaginary place.
After that, there were all of these unfinished things, including When Will You Finish Don Quixote, remember it?
Because remember I said that, typically, when you hear a sentence you make --you manufacture in your mind gaps between the words.
How many of you remember this from when you were high school calculus days or from 112?
And one day so I was eating my ice-cream because the archives were closed, and this woman came up, and she was probably about fity, or something like that, and she ordered ice-cream, and so this guy says, "Well, Madame whatever, Madame Dupuis, you remember that day don't you, when the Germans came back?" And she said, "Oh I sure do, they hung my husband from that pole."
But we'll soon see when the commands you need to type become longer and more complicated, they just become annoying to type and annoying to remember so make generally automates this process for us.
I mean, it reminds you when it’s your friend's birthday, so you don’t have to remember.
And oh, do you remember when we went to have a drink after our hike?
And then you remember that you moved when you were about three years old.
Can you tell us anything you remember from when a big earthquake happened?
Remember you can say "I'm sorry" when you wish to express your regret, your sympathy or ambiguous regret.
记住,当你想表达歉意、同情或是含糊的道歉时,你都可以用“I'm sorry”。
The way he described is when you try to get down a quantum dimensions and you are standing there with your camera, just remember the sun is at your back and your shadow is always in the picture.
hey'd rather single step it through using Idol or something, than just read it and try and figure things out. The most important thing to remember when you're doing all of this is to be systematic.
So when you put together the race risk that was highest if-- you may remember in the Mexican-Americans, and with the gender risk, higher rates in women, you'd expect the rates to be especially high in Mexican-American women, and in fact, that's what you find.
You remember, thalidomide is the drug which was actually really most used as sleeping aid that when pregnant women took were shown to produce deformities, children who were born without limbs for example.
So when we ask, you remember last lecture I was talking about how to be somebody here lecturing to you, philosophy on Tuesday.
So how do you feel call to this, but how did you like to say, I remember when I told my parents I was going to seminary, So I think there is a similar identity.
Because when that happens, when he gives up his rage, and he allows-- you remember he allows Priam to bury his son Hector, something he would have refused to do in his rage.
It used to be the case-- I forget how long drive-in windows have been around, certainly as long as you guys can remember-- but there was a time when drive-in windows didn't exist.