If I want a copy of the string, I've got to whip out my week 1 skills of just iterating with a four loop from left to right and make copies of those characters.
I can just whip out a variable, this time it's gonna be dynamically stored there.
These political clubs or parties use their influence to incense the populous using their power to whip up dangerous passions that tend to make American politicians closer to demagogues than to statesmen.
Pardon me? With whip cream.
And whew! She's flying off the roof with anger, chasing him around the house trying to whip him with a wet towel, so on and so forth: a very dramatic scene again of powerlessness within the family, of being the victim of violence within the family.
I probably whip out a do while loop very rarely, but very often when programming games or any program that takes user input and has to check that user input and yell at the user if they're messing with you or aren't providing what's expected.