So imagine that there's right now somebody in an insane asylum in Michigan who's got the thought,I am Napoleon.
And so he gets in the backseat and he says, "I bet you can't guess who I am."
But in fact, I have to go there, and when going there, I have to reconceive of not just where I was, what I was doing, but in part who I am.
Star Festival is a model by which you tell your own personal history. Who am I? This is who I am, and I want you to look at it.
We have the preamble, and the historical background to the covenant in God's summary introduction to the people in Exodus 20: "I am Yahweh who brought you out of the land of Egypt."
And now I met a prompt that says who I am as a little reminder.
But there is this sort of sense of uncertainty that you see in someone like Descartes, who finally just goes back to basics and says, "I think, therefore I am."
Again it's like anyone who does important things it's hard to judge the whole picture and on that I am sure he has created value for the economy.
I am going to tell you today who won.
So Milton will continually be saying in his prose tracts, "Oh! I just had an idea. Dear reader, before I go on, perhaps I should say something about myself. I need to explain something to you about where I'm coming from. You wonder who I am to tell you this?
I don't know, I dropped out of public accounting, so maybe that means I am one of the boring ones, who knows?
Although I am skeptical about that claim, I am going to continue giving it to the person who makes this argument, because I'm not so prepared to admit that you can't picture being dead.
So I guess I just... I am who I am.
So, I have to say, I am very excited now to introduce you to Dr. Taylor, Taylor who I would be teaching with this semester -- limited engagement -- who will tell you about some of the course policies.
One day I am stuck. Who will help Tony the tow truck?
My bid concern is that you have this huge group of people on the planet 2 young people between ages of say 12 and 19 or 21 or 22 all asking the question: Who am I?