She looks up at the telephone wires, and she thinks about all the messages, unintelligible, full of human longing, going back and forth across those wires.
They go through these wires and into these electrodes that are deep in your brain, and they stimulate tissue inside the brain.
Your computer works on wires and electricity but your brain uses tissue and tissue is extremely slow.
We take Johns' brain, we put it in Smith's torsel we hook up all the wires as it were, ? the thing wakes up, who is that?
Wow, I think we're alright -something needs more regulation here -all these wires.
Pulling wires and pulling out components and stacking them together.
And she has that vision of the telephone wires, and she looks up at them as she has just doubted all of the possibilities for making sense of the post horn and the Tristero.
We take the right half of Johns' brain, put it into Smith's torsel, hook up all the wires the right way, ? the thing wakes up, who is it?
We connect all the wires,all the neurons.
If you're in this state, you will necessarily, given the laws of physics and the way the computer's programmed and built and so forth, these wires will turn on, turn off, these circuits will turn on, turn off, boom, suddenly you'll be in that state.
Now, neurons are connected and they talk to one another and it used to be thought they were tied to one another like a computer, like you take wires and you connect wires to each other, you wrap them around and connect them.
That is, if you plot the relationships between people We can take each person in this room, find everybody you know and who knows you and draw a line, but if we were to do this you wouldn't find an even mesh of wires.
And the answer, not that there aren't puzzles about it, but the answer is roughly, "It's the very same car if it's the very same hunk of metal and plastic and wires."
The energy is not flowing from the batteries through the wires to the CD component.