And the reinvention in the nineteenth century of British identity will also have a lot to do with fear of the Irish, "The enemy within," As they were perceived.
And I want to deal with fear for different reasons.
Right, faced with fear.
Here are humans who had to walk long distances potentially to find the food, kill the food at great risk to themselves; inspiring a cascade of physiological effects that have to do with fear and arousal and things like that, not to mention all the calories one would burn doing this kind of activity.
Later, as I grew worse, I could see the bags in the daytime with my eyes open and I was gripped by the fear that they were going to fall and drench me with some horrible liquid.
Perhaps we want to write like Shakespeare, maybe we want to be a writer like the great Old Testament prophet Isaiah. But the last thing we should be burdened with, Milton's suggesting here, is the fear of being late.
That's a very strange thing because the Greeks turn out to be an enormously active seafaring people with tremendous fear of the seas.
Fear, you will remember is associated with the desire for security, order, rationality, and peace. Pride is connected with the love of glory, honor, recognition and ambition.
Part of that change, of course, bringing fear with it, was immigration.
And,this republic is strongly identified with Paris, and if,because of the fear of Caesarism, the fear of another Napoleon, or another Robespierre before that, or another Napoleon III, they create executive authority that's extremely weak.
It's more complicated than that but the notion is you can use these associative tools perhaps to deal with questions about fear, phobias and how they go away.
I want to deal with a few emotions in this class and next and the first case study of an emotion I want to deal with is the emotion of fear.
So, what they do is what's called, "Systematic desensitization," which is they expose you to what causes you the fear but they relax you at the same time so you replace the aversive classical conditioned fear with something more positive.