Why can't you, we live in a democratic society with freedom of speech.
We were built not just on religious freedom but on the idea of a positive engagement with religious diversity.
The possibilities of freedom must always, in their view, be balanced with the world as it as--not as it ought to be.
If we put a dipole that has the freedom to move, we put that dipole in an electric field, it will align itself with the field lines.
Into some of that space, towns and cities reappeared and with them new supports for freedom.
Plato thought of democracy as a kind of rule by the many that he associated with the unrestricted freedom to do everything that one likes.
The SEC was very controversial at first because it was seen as interfering with business and the U.S. Has been built on principles of individual freedom; this seemed like unnecessary government intrusion.
Respect for others' beliefs and freedom of expression are sometimes in tension with critiquing those same beliefs.
You do have the ability to practice with a lot more freedom here I feel.
The ancients, he believes, operated with a defective understanding of human freedom.
I have the freedom to pass that person because I like the trend. Suppose I have somebody else who came here with two years of chemistry in high school, got a 95 on the first test, 70 on the second test, failed the third test, failed the final, has an aggregate score of 48.
Are these two things are these two goods as it were freedom of mind and political life ? are they compatible or are they necessarily ? at odds with one another?
Or freedom, they will argue, must be balanced with tradition.
To put untrammeled reasons and individual freedom at the center of a civilization is to live with the conflict, the turmoil, the instability, and the uncertainty that these things create.
In Greece you have a lot of war and you have a lot of freedom, and all of that is tied up, I think very much, with the development of this very special thing called the polis.