The quest is without end, it's even without direction.
And then when I get to the very end, I'm going to return the bigger of with i and without i.
And here's the thing; the idea is to drink as much as you can without passing out and at the end of Plato's Symposium everybody is out, except for Socrates who looks around and says, "oh well no more conversation everybody's asleep."
"The supreme power," By which Locke means the legislature, "Cannot take from any man any part of his property without his own consent, for the preservation of property being the end of government and that for which men enter into society, " it necessarily supposes and requires that people should have property."
Things are moving and changing ; without the whole page reloading; when we looked towards the end of the semester Ajax enabled websites much like the ones we all use today.
So the question was, why is this return down at this level, it says, well if I ever execute out of this FOR loop, I get to the end of the FOR loop without hitting that branch that took me through the return, then and only then do I want to actually say, gee, I got to this place, there isn't any value to return, none I'm going to return none and none.