I said that if I was really hygienic, and you can now wonder about how often do I shower?
If you take a philosophy course, there'll be a couple of questions about dreams that you will wonder about.
It's the sort of thing you wonder about when you ask yourself, "If somebody was born blind, could he possibly know what it's like to see color?"
One of the things you kind of speculate about, and wonder about, why did some cities send out lots of colonies, some cities send out only a few, and others none at all for quite a while.
I wonder what is your views about, what does philosophy have to say with life after death?
When you hear a slaveholder preach about his individual liberty and his rights, you sometimes wonder, "Come on, where do you get off?"
So Milton will continually be saying in his prose tracts, "Oh! I just had an idea. Dear reader, before I go on, perhaps I should say something about myself. I need to explain something to you about where I'm coming from. You wonder who I am to tell you this?
let's turn now to the case we really wonder about personal identity.
I wonder when we think about this... I think it's very tempting to look outside, -Sure.
Still, we might wonder, what about this new argument?
Hey, I wonder--What about that person?