I think we all know what it's like, actually, just watching yourself retaliate against somebody because you're angry and stop wondering why did I do that.
And you're wondering if your friend wants to go to this party because her ex-boyfriend is there.
I'm wondering if you can say the wrong things to them --to infants based on what you were saying before.
I was going to say when you first start doing this, even people who have been doing it for a long time still go off on ten-minute daydreams before realizing that their minds were wondering.
There's one more piece that we'd like to get out of that, and that is-- you may have been wondering, what's with the funky stuttering here of three double-quotes in a row. All right? And that is a specification.
We were both wondering, you have this general purpose computer next to your ear why were you not able to make that sale?
My prototype, again, so that I can use it later increment without the compiler wondering what is this increment that you're referring to because it's not otherwise been declared.
If you're wondering what's OK or what's not OK, it's very clearly written out in this handout, so make sure you read through it, because it is your responsibility to make sure that your calculator does not have anything extra programmed in it.
So I was wondering how you learnt to differentiate and characterize these great ideas when they come.
Now just as I said, the program is full time and you may be wondering, " "How can students work full time and study full time."
I'll be wondering what on earth is Pepsi up to, but that's fine.
I was wondering how you feel about that?
I'm wondering if Dudley and Steven had asked for Richard Parker's consent in you know, dying, if that would exonerate them from an act of murder and if so, is that still morally justifiable?
In the invocation to Book Nine of Paradise Lost, Milton describes and it's wonderful to see this representation of this process that, I think, we've been wondering about he describes the process by which the heavenly muse inspires, and he says inspires nightly, the composition of his epic.
So that was one interesting question that came up, so keep this in mind if you're wondering about this idea of chords.
Now some of you may be wondering, and you'll find out this for yourself about how important it is to come to class.