It's Dickens in part, that stereotype of old London, of the urban working class, but it's not just Dickens. Moby Dick is here too.
who would be typically working class on a low income.
And this is a conservative response to the mobilization of French workers, and this says the working class population won't at all listen to bad advice.
So most of our students continue their work they've been doing, continuing working full time when they come to our class.
In a working-class family, an immigrant working-class family in particular, by the '30s and '40s,a child meant income, a child meant a worker.
The first one that I'd like to mention today is Christina Roberto who is a grad student who is working at The Rudd Center who's right here, a teaching fellow for the class, is going to be doing some very interesting work on health policies and people's food intake.
And you'll be working with obviously part of this class, Deb Levy but also with Deb Levy who is the, they had teaching fellow for the extension school.