So that's Kant's famous distinction between the purposive, which is the organization of an aesthetic object, and the purposeful, which is the organization of any object insofar as it goes to work in the world or for us.
At least if we look at the statistics, just about every single one of you, after you leave Harvard,will join an organization, an organization that is a social enterprise, not for profit,something to better the world.
The World Health Organization keeps track of what countries have cases of polio and when they occur, and what the frequency of--So, this is a map from a few years ago and there are efforts that occur occasionally.
I'd like to introduce a representative from "Teach for America" which is an organization that has done and is doing a lot of good, promoting goodness in the world and I'd like to-- in 1504, we've been supporting them for the last 2 years and we'd like to continue to do that.
It was the World Health Organization, or WHO, which led this effort.