And Born worked on a number of things, including the Born exponent, and taught himself crystallography sort of as something to do during World War I.
But I'm very excited because I'm going to work on a film in August about World War One, which is very exciting.
A poem published after the Second World War, written about the post-war world.
After World War II, there were two things that, I think, contributed to the huge housing boom at that time.
Tajfel The psychologist Tajfel after World War II was interested in the question of what could make a group.
You can go all the way up to the origins of World War I to see.
The mass production after World War II had already taken hold.
Paris is a commune, but so is a village of twelve people, is a commune--36,000. In World War One, only twelve didn't have somebody killed.
While he was still in Luxembourg, just before World War II broke out, he emigrated to the United States and finished his career in the Pacific Northwest where he helped make huge quantities of titanium.
And one of the best analogies you can think of is the oil rich nations of the world in post-World War Two, in the post-World War Two era, whether it's Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran, the Emirates, or Venezuela, name--today Russia.
One of us did his Pre-World War II, one of us did During World War II,
- Those of you with backgrounds in history or we've seen -- or remember World War II with technologies that were used in it might know of the Enigma machine, which is kind of the same idea.
Yeats is obviously writing in the context of an Irish civil war, but it's also the case that he's writing in the shadow of the First World War as well.
They did it again, even more decisively in World War Two, and that's how we got progressive taxes.
When World War One began he was seventy-four.
That's the only time since World War II that we've had a higher level of residential investment.