What's the complexity of this decision tree solution? Well, in the worst case, we're enumerating every possibility of in and out.
Still quadratic, right? I'm looking for the worst case behavior, it's still quadratic, it's quadratic in the length of the list, so I'm sort of stuck with that.
So the gentleman here was looking at the worst case scenario, and the woman here was looking at the best case scenario.
And so you care-- you care about ultimately how much time is my algorithm gonna take to perform on that worst case running time.
And I'll also remind you, and we're going to see this in the next example, we talked about looking at the worst case behavior. In these cases there's no best case worst case, it's just doing one computation.
We're, as a consequence, going to focus on worst case. This is handy for a couple of reasons.
The other obvious one to do would be worst case. Again, over all possible inputs to this function, what's the most number of steps it takes to do the computation?
We're going to see an example of that in a second. What we really want to worry about, what's the worst case that happens.
So, as a consequence, we're going to stick with the worst case analysis.
And the context of sorting, the worst case is your handed a problem that's in complete reverse order because that implies you have - to do as more work that could possibly-- that you could-- you have to do more work than you would of course if things were in perfect order.
The worst case scenario is less bad, is a way of saying it.
And by worst case we mean different things.
The second one is, a lot of the time, the worst case is the one that happens.
The worst case here is, the things not in the list in which case I've got to go all the way through the list to get to the end.
In general, people focus on worst case.
We're measuring the worst case.
N --O So we introduced this notation big O which generally refers to worst case.
I see no Mike Smiths because I'm on page 1 A where the A's simply are so I turn to the B's and the C's S and the D's and so forth and finally I get to the S's but in the worst case I've looked through 1,000 or so pages.
I was just finding very tunnel vision-like, the smallest elements at that moment in time which means I don't know anything about the other elements other than they are not the smallest and so no matter what with Selection Sort I had to repeat this again and again and again and if you do out the math it's roughly N squared steps in the worst case as well.