Remember, I said I'm doing this because I expect to have a hundred pounds-- I said one dollar-- I'm going to have to pay out a hundred pounds because this one-period bond, worth one hundred pounds principal, is coming due so I have to pay it out.
And that's where like, in Phase One, you can only sign up for 10 units worth of classes.
It's always worth asking yourself what a line of poetry that is as aggressively unpleasant as this one is doing in a poem.
So this is a classic game, perhaps it's one of the most famous games, and therefore worth studying in the class.
If you go to Denmark and you break a $100 bill, you're going to be given one of these, undoubtedly, the 500 kroner note, which is worth about $75-80, and it has Niels Bohr on it.
A mortgage lender doesn't want to lend more than the property is worth because that would mean a loan-to-value ratio over one.
And so at least the possibility that I'll survive my death is one worth taking very, very seriously if we are dualists.
One other thing that he doesn't mention but I think is worth mentioning.
The only thing worth more than the slaves in the American economy of the 1850s was the land itself, and no one can really put a dollar value on all of the land of North America.
Perhaps a mistake with some of the answers we got but one of our choice favorites was this one and it's actually fairly worth drawing one's attention to and that's this: I planned on taking the class as a freshman then convinced myself otherwise because I couldn't fit it into my workload.
His claim that the lives of his fellow citizens are not worth living and his claim that his way of life has been commanded by a god that no one else has ever heard or seen.
He came to Yale from Wall Street in 1985 and at that time the Yale endowment was worth about one billion dollars.
Well, one natural suggestion is that pleasure is worth having for its own sake and pain is probably worth avoiding for its own sake.
One thing, maybe not the only thing, but at least one thing, that goes into a life worth having is enjoying it, is pleasure.
Then they implemented a rule that the guinea is worth twenty-one shillings.
One other point worth emphasizing and sketching the physicalist view is this.