If I wanted you to care about an animal, I would do well to describe it as if it were human.
OK, so let's go through this and see what we would do which is to calculate the heat and the work. This is well insulated.
Well,maybe what the soul theorist would have to do at this point is accept the--da-ta-da--the no branching rule.
So, if I wanted to cause you to feel moral concern for a fetus, I would do well to describe it as a pre-born child.
Some of the things I said--you'd probably say, well I should have known that an insurance company would have to do that, but it isn't.
It would be thought they were not behaving very well, but they would have been as I say, perfectly within every right you can imagine to do that.
I've assigned a full two weeks to the Republic, which would be four lectures, but because I wanted to do some other things with the course as well, I had to cut the Republic by one lecture, and now I'm paying for that today.