He and his wife Mary write back and forth about how evil slavery is.
I wonder if he's going to write back.
And he began to write back, first to his fiancee who quickly became his wife, Mary, and he was really worried about all the slaves he owned.
She would write back in a substantive way.
Take your time. So, let's actually now take a 2-minute break, we're gonna change tapes and we'll come back and we'll actually write programs with a real computer and some real animated characters.
And they were able to write themselves back into the narratives and stories of Israel's past.
Yeah, if my machine will come back up, there we go. So, I'm going to now go ahead and write a little piece of code, and I put it here and I hope you can actually see these better this time, let me uncomment that region.
Yes, in back Yes Student: Dancing bears Professor Paul Bloom: Dancing bears Okay I got to write your name down-- ... report you to health - No Dancing bears, very good ? Anybody else?
back when America was first getting its feet and like, started to write its own literature.
And, following a test, a lot of people write in pencil: don't try to erase something and bring it back and say that, oh, actually, this is what I had because we look at that and go, this is perfect.
But it's almost as if Milton were tempted now to make himself go even further back, to write a humble ode that he could place at the feet of the Creator, the Creator at the moment of the actual creation of the entire universe.
But you can't yet be in it yet, because when people write to us and ask how they get in the book, we sent back a postcard saying: drop dead.
I'll write you back later.
Meaning, I'm just going to write a little loop that does that. All right, so let's go back to our code. That's right, let me pull this over a little bit, so I can see it. And what I'd like you to look at, I'm going to highlight it just for a second here, is those two pieces of code.
So really, the rule of thumb if you think back to Scratch is -- that any time you write a statement -- -- something that does something in one line of code -- you generally need the semicolon there.
So how would we go about solving this problem if I told you not only was there a maximum weight, but there was a maximum volume. Well, we want to go back and attack it exactly the way we attacked it the first time, which was write some mathematical formulas.
So Jordan, playing the role of human is going to type or write something down on this piece of paper, GetInt hand it back to, get int.
You can write on the front. You can write on the back.
You can write on the front; you can write on the back.