For example, F x y z if I have an equation that looks like this, f of x, y, z.
The highest probability now is going to be along the x-axis, so that means we're going to have a positive wave function every place where x is positive.
All right, c p 1 dot y, x I've said assign that to the value 2, 2,0. So now c p 1 has inside of it an x and y value.
x >> Okay. I'll dereference the pointer x 42 to store the number 42 into its pointee.
Okay. That's one way to read the simile, one way to make sense of this mention of the X, the Galileo figure.
And this structure that I've depicted here using the X's and O's is called the Lewis structure.
This is a chest x-ray that would be taken in your doctor's office, for example, or a radiologist's office.
Then go to the x equation and demand that this be equal to the desired x value and find the time.
然后列出关于 x 的方程,令这个式子等于给定的 x,并求出时间
It's like I've got ESP or I'm some character out of the X-Men, Is that what it's called? The X-Men right?
x It says, take the name x and create a binding for that name to the value of the sub-expression and in fact to do this, to stress a point, let's do that.
It says, if answer, sorry, imagine x is -16, ANS is 0 is less than -16, no. So what does it do?
It's still 1, because you plus plussed the wrong symbol called X. So for now, take-away from this, don't do this.
px So we're talking about pi carbon 2 p x, 2px because it's the x axes combining to carbon 2 p x.
Not to harp on the mathematical features of this, but cubing, AX*X*X you know, if you're starting to do AX star, X star, X, every time you want to cube some value in a program, it just feels like this is going to get a little messy looking, if nothing else.
px We'll call it either pi 2 p x, 2py if we're combining the x orbitals, or pi 2 p y.
x y z And I have another equation f of x, y, z.