Are they beginning to have basic assumptions changed over the last 50 years? I guess, well, 60 years now?
Milton, who had died in 1674, had established himself as a great English poet within twenty or so years of his death.
You know Bill, we shaped each other up together and known each other since we are 18, 19 years old.
Does it really matter to you whether your code is going to take 300 years or 900 years to run?
But imagine doing crossword puzzles every day for 10 years, 1,000 years, a million years, a billion years, a trillion years.
Of course, five years is too short because most people live in a house for more than five years.
But those years, if you recall, were the years of the cultural wars. -That's right.
Hopefully within two years, probably not next year, but within two years, there will be positive psychology class offered, but I certainly cannot guarantee it.
So, I actually paused for a moment to take some photographs after this particular experience because after walking this woman who happened to be, I mean she was at least 70 plus years old I would say, no offense if she's watching this on the Internet now and I got that wrong, but at least 70 years old.
Interestingly enough, ten years ago somebody found photos taken by this Parisian of the siege in the Commune in the back of the Hotel de Ville; they were found ten years ago, they had survived.
So he took the financial plans of the conservative Government that was then in power, five years ahead, and he said these are my financial plans, I'm going to announce these today as my financial plans five years ahead.
This Cambridge History of Food talks about three separate primary phases in human food evolution: one beginning a million and a half years ago, another about 700,000 years ago, and then the 10,000 year ago one that I talked about just a moment ago.
The best work on this has been done by Elissa Newport and Sam Supalla who have studied people who have been in the United States for many, many years like 30, 40 years and seeing how well they have come to speak English.
The expected life spans increased dramatically in the last couple of hundred years until now, for people that were born when you were born you can expect to live to be 80 years old, a doubling in life span, fairly dramatic.
So here I am, 100 years, 1,000 years, around 500,000 years, whatever it may be.
Adjustable rate mortgages have a long term -they might last for thirty years -but the interest rate is not fixed for the whole thirty years.