so I just want to say how much I appreciate both of you and I want to also say that stay strong.
If you and I are Facebook friends, or we are following each other on Twitter,
You and I are to what else was going on, certainly 11 approvals sense like an extreme number. Yeah,yeah.
Then that subunit was purified and formulated into the vaccine, the kinds of vaccines that you and I got.
If you pay me ten thousand dollars a month to work for you, I'll work for you and I'll think "I'm doing it for ten thousand dollars a month, that makes a lot of sense," but if I do it for nothing then I have to ask myself, "Why am I doing it?"
There's--in law, a "natural person" is you and I, people real flesh and blood individuals are called natural persons.
We normally think of teaching as a synchronic process, you and I are in the same place and in the same time while we are learning, when in fact at least right now we are not.
I awaken and persuade and reproach each one of you and I do not stop settling down " everywhere upon you the whole day."
I may want to finish the particular point that I'm making, I'll try to come back to you and I'll then raise your question.
t see in the way you and I might imagine seeing.
I will be posting code that you can play with, and I suggest you go through exactly this kind of exercise.
And I'll say "how are you" and you say something to the effect that if I could afford a latte in this world, I'm doing well.
Remember, when I asked you about the specificity of America in On the Road, and I asked you to think about whether there was anything there at all?
You divide and you find it's 9 and you say, "Okay, I know what to do with Newton's laws."
除一下,会得到 9,然后你说,"好了,我会用牛顿定律了"
If you have a set of blocks, mechanical, physical blocks,and I tell you to build something and I say, oh, by the way, you have to cut the blocks in smaller pieces, you are going to get angry, aren't you?
I will come down and speak with you there, ; and I will draw upon the spirit that is on you and put it upon them; they shall share the burden of the people with you, and you shall not bear it alone.