.. You want to get it-- if you keep adding assets, you can do better and better on your portfolio standard deviation.
You can do better, you can do it through response You've got to sort of disabuse yourself of the problems in response which is to be think of yourself as just a passive reciever.
I'm gonna ask you to find resources that help inform your opinions about how we can do a better job of building a better learning community.
What can you do to these faces, these average faces, ? and make them look even better?
And if you have your calculator all set up as you love and you don't want to change it, then maybe you should just go and get an $8.00 scientific calculator that doesn't have any of the graphing functions, because you don't actually need them, so that's a better option for you, you can do that as well.
And there is no programming language that is better well actually, that's not quite true, there are some better at doing certain kinds of things but there's nothing that you can do in C that you can't do in Fortran.
I say this in all my classes, I've published thousands of pages on different subjects, all of you can do it better, because you can do it from your own point of view you can do it afresh, you have new resources you are different people, you belong to different generations.